Machine room-less elevator emergency rescue brake release instructions
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1. The rescue work should be commanded by one person, with at least three people participating and keeping in good contact with each other. Any operation should be notified to the relevant personnel first and can only be carried out after receiving a response.

2. Open the control cabinet door at the top floor station, disconnect the main power switch, confirm that the car door and floor door are closed, and notify the people in the car not to approach the car door through the intercom or telephone in the control cabinet.

3. First determine the location of the car: 1. The bottom of the pier; 2. The top of the head; 3. In the unlocking area of ​​a certain floor station; 4. In the non-unlocking area of ​​the normal operation range.

4. When there is electricity, one person monitors in front of the control cabinet, and one person turns the emergency operation switch on the maintenance screen to the maintenance position, closes the main power switch, and runs the car to the leveling position of the nearest floor by pressing the up or down button, and uses the floor door key to open the floor door and pry open the car door to rescue the personnel.

5. When there is no electricity

Turn off the main power switch QF of the control cabinet

Machine room-less elevator emergency rescue brake release instructions

Turn the "GOVERNOR TEST SWITCH" switch on the control cabinet to ON.

Machine room-less elevator emergency rescue brake release instructions

Turn on the "Electric Brake Release Device" battery switch

Machine room-less elevator emergency rescue brake release instructions

Press and hold the "public" + "start" buttons for more than 5 seconds until the DC110V light turns on.

Machine room-less elevator emergency rescue brake release instructions

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